Nick Bacon (FS 68-73)

has kindly sent in the following photo of Eaglesfield House.

It was taken in 1968/69, prior to going on to their main Houses.

Nick is struggling to put names to the faces.

Various OSBs have kindly offered the following names:
Clockwise - 1. R.S. (Rowan) Atkinson (FN 68-72)  2. S.B.R. (Stephen) Shore (SH 68-73)  3. C.H. Carlsen (SH 68-72)
4. M.J. (Michael) Gillman (SH 68-73)  5. C.W. (Charles) Scott (SH 68-72)  6. A.T. (Andrew) Johnston (G 68-73) 
R.W.I. (Richard) Hird (F 68-73) 8. M.P. (Michael) Windle (FS 68-71)  9. C.J.D. (Christopher) Style (SH 68-72)  
Roger ? Webster ??  11. J.A. (John) Wilkinson (FS 68-73)  12. N.J. (Nick) Bacon (FS 68-73).

Can anyone help with naming the others in the photograph?
Please contact